Global Sales Support, Denmark

Natascha Cordes - The fairy godmother

Natascha's co-workers describe her as helpful, thoughtful and a fairy godmother. Get to know her in this interview - who knows, she may just wave her magic wand!


Hi Natascha! What do you do at DHI and when did you join?


I am a global Sales Support Assistant for MIKE Powered by DHI. I joined VKI on 1 October 1996 in a secretary position and was 'merged' into DHI in 2000. I have been through a range of different administrative positions incl. some technical Customer Support.


What do you enjoy most about being at DHI?


Talking to my colleagues around the world, helping and educating them. Working on Excel sheets ;)


What do you like most about your role?


Being able to help and share knowledge. That is what drives me.


What's a fun fact people usually don't know about you?


I love to watch my partner play the Playstation (cannot play myself but love to shout instructions :D). Favourite games 'Horizon' and 'The Last of Us'.

'The best part of my workday is talking to my colleagues around the world, helping and educating them. Working on Excel sheets ;)'

Natascha Cordes
Global Sales Support, MIKE Sales, Denmark

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