Xu Lijun - connecting internally and externally in China
We chat with Lijun from our office in China and discovers what she enjoys most about being at DHI.
Hi Lijun! What do you do at DHI and when did you join?
I have been with DHI China for more than 10 years. For me, it is really a long journey in my career since I started my first job at DHI as a sales assistant right after graduation in 2006. I left DHI for a short period of time and rejoined again. I have been through quite a range of different positions since then, and in 2014, I relocated to the Chengdu office as coordinator. Now, I am working in software sales and marketing support. I manage daily operations and also initiate a variety of marketing and training activities in China.
What do you enjoy most about being at DHI?
I remember I got the interview call from Dr. Lu Qian-Ming, former DHI China’s Managing Director, many years ago. At that time, DHI China was still a small office with no more than 20 people. What I enjoy the most about being at DHI is the 'hygge' working style – I think it could be the right word to describe the working life at DHI China!
What does your day look like?
Every day, I look through my daily follow-up plan and connect internally and externally with peers and clients, experimenting with different approaches to enhance the awareness of our MIKE software.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Outside of work, I like travelling and exploring places that I have never been to, including going on hikes or bicycling where it’s possible.
What's a fun fact people usually don't know about you?
I am not good at housework and my apartment is always in a mess, so I rarely invite friends to my home since I don’t want to terrify them.
'What I enjoy the most about being at DHI is the "hygge" working style – I think it could be the right word to describe the working life at DHI China!'
Xu Lijun
Deputy Head of Department, MIKE Sales, China