Anders Erichsen - 25 years and counting
Anders has been with DHI for more than 25 years. We asked him what superpower he would like to have and he said ...
Hi Anders! When did you join DHI and how did it happen?
I joined DHI in November 1997 – which means I have my 25-year jubilee this month. At that time, I was quite eager to get a job at DHI, as the idea of working with water, in whatever shape, was rather attractive to me.
I started at the Water Quality Institute (which later merged with DHI) but in a joint department – the Ecological Modelling Center (EMC) and ended up specialising in the marine environment.
During job interviews, they like to ask, 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' And now it's over 25 years since you've been with DHI working on environmental solutions. Have you always known this was your calling?
Some years ago, we did a yearly ‘pulse’ instead of the weekly ones, and one question was actually, 'Do you see yourself at DHI in five years?'. The first years I marked the 'No' box, but at some point in time, I stopped doing that :)
Don’t know if it was a calling, but during my study I kind of chose the lessons focusing on water, but perhaps more on drinking water quality and health. I basically did not study anything about the marine environment but learned what I know now from the projects at DHI.
What's the best part of your workday?
I’m very fond of the daily contact with my colleagues, clients and partners and the daily discussion within project solutions and projects findings. Also, a few of the projects I’m involved in has political awareness, and I have to interact with stakeholders and partners with varying interests – this is sometimes challenging, but also something I value.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
I would probably benefit from the ability to pause time for everyone else than me … then I would never be challenged by deadlines again …
'I’m very fond of the daily contact with my colleagues, clients and partners and the daily discussion within project solutions and projects findings. Also, a few of the projects I’m involved in has political awareness, and I have to interact with stakeholders and partners with varying interests – this is sometimes challenging, but also something I value.'
Anders Erichsen
Head of Environmental Solutions, Denmark