Software Project Manager, Singapore

Tan Moi Khim - the unsung hero

Moi Khim has been with DHI Singapore for 13 years. In her time at DHI, her role has evolved from a GIS specialist (her first role in 2011) to now a Software Project Manager in the Technology & Innovation team managing local and global projects. Moi Khim has often been described by her colleagues as the ‘unsung hero’ behind many technical developments at DHI such as Info@SEA, the MetOcean Data Portal, the ÆGIR data portal (as part of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel project), MIKE Mine and more. Get to know her in this Q&A.


Hi Moi Khim! When did you join DHI and how did it happen?


I relocated from Malaysia 13 years ago to join DHI Singapore as a GIS Specialist back in 2011. I got to know about DHI and the vacancy from an ex-colleague in the Marine & Coastal team.


What are some memorable projects you have been involved in?


I have worked on quite a few projects and Info@SEA, the MetOcean Data Portal, the ÆGIR portal and MIKE Mine are quite memorable.


Info@SEA because this was the very first Singapore project that I managed, with the lead from Tom Foster, now Vice President of Marine & Coastal, Americas (who was the Managing Director of DHI Singapore back then) and Veradej Phipatanasuphorn, now Engagement Lead and Expert Solution Architect from Singapore.


This project gave me the chance to work with many colleagues in the Singapore office, including the software development team, the modelling department and the environmental monitoring and management plan (EMMP) team. I had the chance to learn about the current forecast model, wind forecast model, DIMS and MIKE Zero. As a new staff back then, this was a really good opportunity to get to know people and start learning about MIKE Software.


I’ve been part of the MetOcean Data Portal project since 2017 and was involved in the first version of system development, where we tried out various methods to come up with the best way to store, retrieve and display data. It was a great experience to learn about mesh database, big data handling and mesh data display on the online map. I’m now supporting ad-hoc and operations work for the portal.


In 2022, I joined the ÆGIR and MIKE Mine project teams as the technical lead and SCRUM master, where I got to work with developers and domain experts from different offices such as Indonesia, China, Australia, Denmark and the Czech Republic. Through these projects, I learned about the Cloud Platform IAM, Azure Functions app, GraphQL, deployment to Kubernetes, FEFLOW, MO Web and other Azure services.


What do you enjoy most about being a software project manager at DHI?


As a software project manager at DHI, I get to try out new technologies and methods during system development with the advice and support from experts in our company – such as the solutions team, my line managers, project leads, IT team and the platform team. Having the chance to keep learning, on every project, keeps things really interesting for me.


Please share a fun fact about yourself that nobody at DHI knows about (yet)?


My favourite activities are exploring new places and drawing.


Complete this sentence: if I could have any job in the world, I would want to be …


… a Network and Solution Architecture Specialist.

'Having the chance to keep learning, on every project, keeps things really interesting for me.'

Tan Moi Khim
Software Project Manager, Singapore

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