How we can help

Since 1991, DHI has developed standards and tools to optimise wind farm design and ensure their safe construction, operation and maintenance. Our high-quality data, modelling tools and detailed analyses help identify new offshore wind farm opportunities and evaluate potential environmental impacts to ease approval processes, prevent operational hiccups and reduce investment risks.

Integrated solutions

The answers are within reach with our proven combination of in-situ field data, remote sensing, online monitoring, numerical and physical modelling and expertise. 


Load and response analyses of wind support structures


Specialty modelling and monitoring for environmental approvals


Seabed mobility and scour risk predictions and assessments


Metocean data and analyses for cost-efficient design and operation


Definition of certifiable environmental design criteria

'We challenged DHI to provide a world-class metocean database to allow developers to optimise their designs in the tender stage. DHI exceeded our expectations.’

Ben de Sonneville, Senior Consultant, BLIX Consultancy BV, on behalf of the client

Have a water challenge?

We can help.

How can we help?

With our global network of offices, we make sure you get the right answers to your local needs. Tell us about your water challenges and we will get back to you.