Wind turbines on the west coast of cumbria near workington, Cumbria, Uk, with a flock of Herring Gulls flying past
Data analysis tool

MUSE: Monitor bird movements in offshore wind farms 24/7 to ensure compliance

As wind farm developers and operators, you face a growing demand to monitor bird behaviour like never before. The importance of this task cannot be understated, especially considering that regulations in many countries now require shutdowns when rare species or large flocks of birds approach.


How we can help

With MUSE, our multi-sensor bird detection application, you can easily obtain clear documentation of bird behaviour around wind farms, both before and after construction. Based on an integrated setup of radars and cameras, real-time bird behaviour is automatically recorded and displayed online. MUSE offers frequent, high-quality observations without the logistical constraints and risks associated with human access to offshore turbines and substations.

Key application areas


MUSE can be used to:

  • Monitor and analyse sea-bird behavior throughout wind farm operation, ensuring compliance and minimising environmental impact.
  • Gather comprehensive baseline data essential for conducting accurate Environmental Impact Assessments, facilitating informed decision-making and sustainable wind farm development.


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Get started

Discover the benefits of MUSE for your offshore wind farm. Our experts can provide tailored recommendations based on your wind farm's location and layout. Contact us today to learn more about how MUSE can support your project.

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How can we help?

With our global network of offices, we make sure you get the right answers to your local needs. Let us know what you're interested in (e.g., product features, trial license, pricing, etc.) and we will get back to you.