MIKE+ Collection Systems
Collection systems modelling

MIKE+ Collection Systems

Accurately represent flow conditions and efficiently manage stormwater and wastewater


MIKE+ Collection Systems is the ideal solution for optimising stormwater and wastewater management in urban settings. With a tailored suite of simulation tools, it empowers urban planners and infrastructure managers to accurately represent flow conditions, covering everything from subcritical to supercritical flows, across both partially and fully pressurised networks.


Integrated with modules like MIKE1D Pipeflow with Transport and MIKE+ ECO lab, MIKE+ Collection Systems enables comprehensive city-wide simulations of ecological, biological, and chemical processes. This empowers professionals to design real-time controls, assess resilience solutions, and efficiently manage rainfall-dependent inflow and infiltration with unparalleled accuracy.


Other MIKE+ products


MIKE+ Model Manager

MIKE+ Rivers

MIKE+ 2D Overland

MIKE+ Water Distribution

How does MIKE+ Collection Systems help?

No in-house modellers?


Get our expert modellers on board for your consulting projects either as a partner, to provide extended user support, or for model and project reviews. Submit an inquiry


Areas of application

Contaminant fate and transport

Simulate the movement and impact of contaminants within urban drainage systems to inform mitigation and management strategies.

CSO/SSO overflow mitigation

Model combined and sanitary sewer overflow scenarios to design effective overflow control measures and reduce environmental impact.

Green infrastructure & nature-based solutions

Integrate green infrastructure into urban landscapes to manage stormwater effectively and sustainably.

Integrated land use planning

Assess the impacts of new developments on drainage systems to ensure adequate capacity and minimise flood risk.

Real-time analysis or control

Utilise real-time data to dynamically manage collection system operations, improving responsiveness and efficiency.

Sediment transport & morphology

Model sediment behavior within drainage systems to prevent blockages and maintain effective conveyance.

Urban drainage system design

Design robust urban drainage systems that effectively manage rainfall events and minimise urban flooding.

Predictive water quality assessments

Evaluate and predict changes in water quality within urban collection systems to maintain environmental standards and public health.


Additional capabilities & unique features

Explore our latest support resources, including guides, videos, and FAQs in our Knowledge Base.

Create your own user-defined columns for more custom results analysis

New RDI hydrological modelling options

New option for rainfall interpolation from stations

Specify infiltration per land use

Let's get started

Learn how your project can benefit from this collection systems modelling software.

Related technologies


Manage water systems with an integrated urban, river, and flood modelling platform.

MIKE+ 2D Overland

Predict flood impacts, identify risks, and propose effective mitigation measures.

MIKE+ Model Manager

Manage, configure, and present the results of your MIKE+ models.

How can we help?

With our global network of offices, we make sure you get the right answers to your local needs. Let us know what you're interested in (e.g., product features, trial license, pricing, etc.) and we will get back to you.